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Terracentric Coastal Adventures Photo Galleries

If a picture is worth a thousand words here's a novel's worth for you to look through and see whay we love this wild and pristine region of British Columbia and are proud to call it home.

Local Scenery

Terracentric Tours

Resident Wildlife

What our guests are saying about us...

"I have been in over 20 countries and 49 US states. Our guide, Simon, made sure this was a trip to remember. Perfect weather and water conditions. Christine(s) (hint: there are 2) were wonderful, friendly and very professional. I am vegan and Christine, the owner, went out of her way to make sure I had a great meal. Homemade foods from almond pate, a delicious remoulade, an olive tapenade, and topped off with cookies. I literally had the trip of a lifetime and would recommend this journey and Terracentric very highly."