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Recreation Sites & Trails Maintenance Programs

On-going Trail Work and Maintenance

As part of our commitment to local area conservation, community development and connecting people to the outdoors, Terracentric has worked in the area of Recreation Sites and Trails maintenance and construction since 2007.

Originally introduced as part of creating meaningful real-time outdoor work based training opportunities, this area of the company continues to grow.  Working with community partners we have serviced the Powell Forest Canoe Route and BC Parks for more than ten years.  

The Powell Forest Canoe Route is a 57 km, 8 lake, 5 portage journey that takes roughly 5 days. Portages range from 0.7 km – 2.8 km, and paddling stretches from 1 km – 28.5 km. The best time to travel the route is from June – October.  For more information on the Powell Forest Canoe Route, click here (Insert link for discover PR link to canoe route).

Services we offer for Machine or Hand built Trails and Campsites include:

  • Trail Layout and Design
  • Trail and Campsite Maintenance and Restoration
  • Project Management
  • Trail and Campsite Maintenance Training Programs
  • Consulting

All Our Trails and campsites seek to be designed with preservation in mind and are constructed with a personal approach that utilizes natural elements as often as possible. Contact us today to discuss how to add Terracentric expertise to your Recreation Sites or Trails project.

What our guests are saying about us...

"I have been in over 20 countries and 49 US states. Our guide, Simon, made sure this was a trip to remember. Perfect weather and water conditions. Christine(s) (hint: there are 2) were wonderful, friendly and very professional. I am vegan and Christine, the owner, went out of her way to make sure I had a great meal. Homemade foods from almond pate, a delicious remoulade, an olive tapenade, and topped off with cookies. I literally had the trip of a lifetime and would recommend this journey and Terracentric very highly."